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2023-07-18 18:34    来源::网络     编辑:王硕

陈肇新,温州市人,1937 年生于瑞安市。国家一级书画师,北京大学书画艺术研究院客座教授,清华大学书画艺术院名誉教授,中国国家书画院副院长,国宝文物出版社终身荣誉社长,台北故宫书画院名誉院长,英国皇家艺术研究院客座教授、法兰西皇家美术学院博士,美国常春藤名校联盟首席客座教授。擅长巨幅行书。

作品《旗手》被人民大会堂收藏。作品《长征》被法国卢浮宫博物馆收藏。作品编入《国宝档案》《一代方家》《百年辉煌·宗师典藏》《中华国礼艺术大师》、《辉煌中国·功勋人物》《中国十大投资名家》《收藏盛典》《十全十美艺术家》、《党史珍邮》《中欧十大艺术名家》《世界殿堂级艺术大师》《全球最具影响力二十位艺术家》《向冬奥会献礼》、《百年魅力·书画巨匠》《国家藏宝》、《大国担当》、《大国重器·艺守中华》《中英国家艺术榜》《雅典国际美学大师》、《共和国十大功勋艺术家》《一代巨匠》等 180多部典籍。


中国共产党十九届五中全会重点提名: 获“国家十四五规划文化建设奖”。获“国家文化发展贡献奖”获“二十大文艺家代表”、“国宝艺术家”荣誉称号。

Chen Zhaoxin, born in Wenzhou city, was born in Ruian city in 1937. National level calligraphy and painting, Beijing university institute of painting and calligraphy art, visiting professor, tsinghua university, vice President of China national academy, national cultural relics press life honorary President, honorary President of the Taipei imperial academy of art, the royal academy of art, the French royal academy, the ivy school league, chief visiting professor. Good at huge running script.

The work "Flag-bearer" was collected by the Great Hall of the People. The Long March was collected by the Louvre Museum in France. Works into the national treasure archives "generation home" one hundred, the master collection "Chinese master of art", "brilliant Chinese meritorious figures" "China top ten investment famous" "collection festival" "perfect artists", "party history Jane mail" "central top ten art masters" world palace masters "the world's most influential twenty artists" "to the winter gift", "one hundred charm painting giant" "national treasure", "big bear", " great power jack There are more than 180 classics, such as China, Chinese and British National Art List, International Aesthetic Master of Athens, Ten Meritorious Artists of the Republic, and A Generation of Masters.

He has won the "United Nations Art Lifetime Achievement Award", the "Top Medal of Honor for Literature and Art of the Louvre in France", and "the French Knight of Art and Literature".

The fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee nominated: won the "National 14th Five-Year Plan Cultural Construction Award". He won the "National Cultural Development Contribution Award" and the honorary titles of "20 Literary and Art Representatives" and "National Treasure Artist".

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